About Sesdesign Iceland
Every item is carefully handcrafted from the best natural materials with lots of love and care which gives it its unique touch but also causes the sizes and patterns to vary slightly.

Fingerless sheep mittens
The Icelandic sheep is kept inside during winter but after birthing in spring it is let loose to roam free. They can be seen all around the country, even leisurely waking on the roads which has earned them the nickname of Icelandic killer sheep.
Those fingerless mittens are made to honor their lovely wool, their endurance and their companionship from the time of the first viking settlements in Iceland.
For more colour possibilities just send a message and we will do our best to grant your wishes.
Puffin half-mittens
This quirky little bird has its home in various different spots around Iceland, the most famous one in the Vestmann icelands on the south cost of Iceland. Mainly seen as a food source by the natives it has become a favorite of visitors to Iceland, so much so that tradicional tourist shops go now by the name puffin-shops in Icelandic.
A cute and colourful bird on a pair of warm and comfortable half mittens.
For more colour possibilities just send a message and we will do our best to grant your wishes.

The classical pattern
The natural colours that blend together in
those fingerless mittens are inspired by the traditional icelandic sweater "lopapeysa" that has been worn by the Icelanders since the middle of last century and is still a popular garment to own and wear.